Three(3) Remote Countries Reporters Hardly Talk About

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Under normal circumstances, countries like the United States of America, Japan, Israel, among others, get the chance to be in the papers every now and then because of the popularity they have gained over the decades.

However, there are other countries that exist around the world that most reporters barely recognize for the magnificent aura they possess due to their small states and less involvement with the affairs of the rest of the world.

  1. Tuvalu — A town located in the Pacific ocean, has inhabitants of about 12,000 facing a challenge of turbulent sea level when there is change in weather.
  2. San Marino — An old republic hidden among the mountains of Italy, probably due to the current existence of medieval architecture.
  3. Bhutan — Merged between India and China, beautiful Buddhist temples and other tourist landscapes exist, even though, the government limits number of incoming tourist each year to preserve resources.

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